Major Achievement:
- 198Reporting were established in hospitals and Functional.
- 232 Screening Camps were conducted in field and Reporting units and 4763 Pregnant women screened during camps.
- Data Collection software was procured as per our need and functional.
- 14568 Pregnant Women were screened in Total including in Reporting health Facilities and Screening Camps i.e 4728 Pregnant women between 24-28 Wks of Gestation were screened in Reporting health facilities and 232 in camps upto Sept,2013.
- Training Materials for Doctors & Paramedical Staff was prepared.
- TOT was organised in 2 sessions 16 Gyanecologist trained as Trainers.
- Training of 612 Doctors were completed in 2 sessions .
- Training of 1678 Paramedical Staff,Nurses,ANM,GNM,ASHAs through 4 sessions.
- One state level workshop was organise in lucknow in the prescence of Mr Freddy Svane ambassdor of Denmark and chief Justice Mr Sudhir Saxena.
- Four Districts Workshop was conducted,two at CMO(Chief Medical officer) office auditorium, one with FOGSI.Other Workshop was organised with Media houses of 30 major newspaper and Channels.
- GDM hotline has been established.We have a phone number designated for GDM Enquiry,We put this number in all pamphlets,Diet charts,posters, banners letter head and dislayed in Rallies,Screening Camps,so that people can consult us for screening for GDM in Pregnancy such where this test is available free of cost,what are our health facilities,name of hospital and Doctor who will provide this test etc.We do get enquiries for same and there is one lady who is trained for addressing these enquiry.Data for Enquiries has been listed in a Register.
- Posters has been sticked around one thoused medical store,Registered Medical Practioners called Quacks,and Practioners where they get ANC(Antenatal check ups),there are around 3000 such practioners in this District.
- Gestational Diabetes Prevention Control Project has been included in PIP of 2013 under Innovation Project under NRHM.( At present our Project will screen only around 25% of around 100000 pregnant women per year in our kanpur District through 250 health facilities with Population of 5.5 million,therefore to cover rest of 75000 Pregnant in district CMO(Chief Medical officer) has included cost of strips,glucose,lancets and Insulin for the rest of Women in coming PIP under NRHM so that it may get sanctioned under NRHM(National Rural heath Mission of GOI(Government of India)& we can cover rest of pregnant women through our Govt Reporting health facilities.They have demanded money for above listed items.Insulin is not covered in our Project.

Implementation Programme for next 6 months (Oct,2013 to March,2014)
- 198 health facilities monitored by 12 field monitors.
- 2 district GDM workshops to be conducted,accumulated 6 workshops.
- One state Workshop Conducted,accumulated 2 workshop.
- 388 governmental public health doctors to be trained in GDM through 2 sessions, accumulated doctors 551.
- 284 governmental paramedical staff to be trained in GDM through 4 sessions, accumulated 1,500 paramedical staff
- 96 private hospital doctors to be trained through 2 sessions, accumulated 200 Doctors.
- 288 Private nurse trained in Private hospitals through 4 session accumulated 750 nurse .
- 19000 pregnant women to be Screened for GDM accumulated to 18500+21000.(39500).
- Estimated 3000 pregnant women to be diagnosed with GDM accumulated 2500+3000=5500.
- Follow-up conducted on the 3200 diagnosed Women.
- 200,0000 people reached through media campaign on GDM.
- 100community camps to be conducted accumulated 332.
- Semi-annual cash flow report from Apil,2013 to Sept,2013.
- Submitted to WDF in before 10 oct,2013.
- Semi-annual Progress report by 10 oct,2013.
District GDM Programme have been included under NRHM and details PIP Programme for state of Uttar Pradesh will be Submitted by July,2013 and all the necessary action will be taken to get it approved under NRHM following Logistic support from Health Department will be uncluded in PIP of State:1.Glucometers for all the facilities in the Public health system,like PHC(Primary health Centre,Community Health Centre,District hospitals,Urban health post,Urban family Welfare Center,D-Type Centre,Nagar Nigam hospitals,ESI Hospitals,Defence hospitals and Selected Private hospitals/Nursing home. 2-Glucostrips,lancets,75 gm Glucose Packets,Tissue glass,wooden spoon.3-One LCD Projector for each Districts.4-Monitoring & Evaluation,Two monitors in each District will be hired by the Project for Monitoring and reporting each District report on monthly basis.They will report to State GDM Cell and District NRHM ACMO.4-Insulin will be required for 20% GDM Daignosed and not Controlled with Diet & Exercise Counselling.Total number of State Pregnant women is 4.2 million ,Institutional Delivery in Govt sector is around 60%,around 25 lakhs pregnant women need to targeted for screening through WHO Modified test 75 gm Glucose load,2 hr screening Test in 16-20 weeks,24-28 weeks and 32 weeks as 3 ANC(Antenatal check ups are mandatory),atleast one test of OGTT We will be able to do in in most of ANC.Post Partum Screening. We are working on Budget with Govt health officials & Secretary health at Administration,health Ministry level.Maximum Budget for this activity will be provided by State NRHM Budget,We have Proposed Training of Doctors,Monitoring,Evaluation,Supervision by WDF.